Sustainable Sewing at home

Sustainable Sewing: Making Eco-Friendly Choices

Welcome to Remode, your hub for sustainable sewing and eco-friendly choices!

At Remode, we're dedicated to reducing textile waste and fostering sustainable sewing practices. That's why we recently hosted a free online workshop on "Sustainable Sewing: Making Eco-Friendly Choices."

Excited to learn more? Dive into our workshop recording to discover valuable insights and tips for eco-conscious sewing, including how to make the most of your sewing machine.

Join us in our mission to sew sustainably and make a positive impact on the environment, one stitch at a time!

Online record

Here's a quick guide to help you make eco-friendly choices:

Fabric Choices:

  • Consider the origins and sustainability credentials of new fabrics.

  • Secondhand fabrics offer a sustainable option, but watch out for synthetics.

  • Explore sustainable fabrics like bamboo, hemp, and linen for eco-friendly alternatives.

Using What You Have:

  • Upcycle existing garments and get creative with embroidery or fabric paint.

  • Reduce fabric waste by efficient cutting techniques and utilizing offcuts for other projects.

Eco-Friendly Materials:

  • Opt for organic cotton or recycled polyester threads, buttons, and zips.

  • Explore natural dyes for a colorful and sustainable touch to your creations.

Conclusion: Sustainable sewing is all about making conscious choices that minimize environmental impact. Join us at Remode in our mission towards a more eco-conscious approach to sewing.

Happy stitching!